List of Accredited Providers
Status of accreditation and other information on this directory may change without prior notice. We encourage everyone to coordinate with our availment hotline or visit our office.
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Press the green icon and download the list of accredited hospitals, outpatient clinics, and dental clinics.
To avail of any of the benefits, declare that you are a Carewell member to the accredited hospital or clinic and present your Carewell Card plus another valid ID with photo e.g. SSS or company ID card.
1. Submit reimbursement claims to Carewell ten (10) days after discharge.
2. Call Carewell before proceeding to the hospital or within 24 hours upon confinement.
3. Effectivity of coverage starts at 12:01 AM the day after Carewell receives the membership fee and the list of those who paid for the incoming period.
4. The member / corporate client is responsible for accomplishing and submitting PhilHealth / ECC forms.
5. Outpatient consultation should be done during clinic hours by Carewell accredited doctors.
6. All expenses after the effectivity date of the discharge order will not be shouldered by Carewell.
7. Reimbursement of claims with incomplete or inappropriate documentation will not be processed.
I. Outpatient Emergency
(Non-Accredited Hospital)
• Official Receipt
• Hospital abstracts / medical certificate
• Breakdown of charges
• Incident / accident report from immediate superior (if work-related injury / accident) or police (police report)
II. Confinement due to Emergency
(Non-Accredited Hospital)
• Official receipt of payment
• Hospital abstract
• Discharge summary
• Operative record (if due to operation)
• All pertinent receipts, charge slips or statement of account
• Incident / accident report (if work-related injury / accident)
• Police report (in case of vehicular accidents, criminal acts, etc.)
III. Outpatient Emergency and Emergency Confinement due to Medico-Legal Cases
• Official receipt of payment
• Medical certificate
• Hospital abstract
• Operative record
• Discharge summary
• Police report
• Incident / accident report from immediate superior
• Medico-legal certificate